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Top 10 Best Google Chrome Extensions for SEO

Best Chrome Extensions, Chrome SEO Extensions, SEO Chrome Extensions, SEO Extensions for Chrome, Top 10 Best Google Chrome Extensions for SEO

Top 10 Best Google Chrome Extensions for SEO
 Are You passionate about Blogging, and searching for Top 10 Best Google Chrome Extensions for SEO?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is very important for websites. SEO is the process of improving your website's visibility when people search your site in search engine's like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. You can quickly boost your keyword research and search engine rankings by using this top 10 Best Chrome Extensions for SEO.

From keyword research and competitor analysis to on-page optimization and link building, these extensions cover various aspects of SEO to help you achieve better rankings and drive organic traffic to your website through these Top 10 Best Google Chrome Extensions for SEO.

Here, In this article, we will explore the top 10 Google Chrome SEO extensions that have proven invaluable to SEO practitioners, Bloggers and digital marketers. Also,we will explore:

  • Best Chrome Extensions
  • SEO extensions for Chrome
  • SEO Chrome extensions
  • Chrome Plugins
  • Chrome SEO Extensions
  • Chrome addons
  • Google Plugins
  • SEO extensions
These Google chrome SEO extensions cover various aspects of SEO, from keyword research and competitor analysis to on-page optimization and backlink monitoring. They provide powerful tools for auditing websites, tracking rankings, and analyzing data, allowing users to make informed decisions and optimize their online presence.

What are the use of Google Chrome Extensions for SEO?

In today's digital era, search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in driving organic traffic to websites and improving their visibility on search engine result pages. To stay ahead of the competition and optimize your online presence, it's essential to leverage powerful tools that streamline your SEO efforts. Fortunately, Google Chrome, one of the most popular web browsers, offers a vast array of extensions that can significantly enhance your SEO workflow.

From keyword research and competitor analysis to on-page optimization and link building, these extensions cover various aspects of SEO to help you achieve better rankings and drive organic traffic to your website.

So, without further ado, let's delve into the top 10 Google Chrome extensions for SEO and discover how they can revolutionize your SEO strategy. With these tools at your disposal, you'll be equipped to outrank your competitors and climb higher in the search engine rankings, ultimately driving more traffic and achieving your online business goals.

Top 10 Best Google Chrome Extensions for SEO

Here are the top 10 Google Chrome SEO extensions that can be helpful for SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

1. SEOquake

SEOquake is a popular on-page SEO optimizing extension offered by SEMrush. This SEOquake is our first chrome seo extension from top 10 best google chrome extensions for seo.

SEOquake by Semrush provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of a webpage's SEO performance, including metrics like Google PageRank, Alexa rank, keyword density, and more. SEOquake chrome extension also offers a SERP(search engine results pages) overlay to display additional information on search engine result pages and also check mobile friendliness of a site.

2. MozBar

MozBar chrome extension
MozBar is our second best chrome extension for SEO. MozBar is a chrome SEO extension offered by Moz.

MozBar provides quick access to important SEO metrics like domain authority, page authority, backlinks metrics, keyword analysis, and more. MozBar chrome extension helps you evaluate the SEO potential of any webpage.

3. Ubersuggest

ubersuggest chrome extension

Ubersuggest is the third best free seo extension for chrome in our list. Ubersuggest chrome extension is offered by Neil Patel. 

Ubersuggest provide you the monthly searches, CPC, related keywords, SEO, SERP report, etc.

4. Keywords Everywhere

Keyword Everywhere chrome extension
Keywords Everywhere chrome plugin is our forth best chrome addon. This extension shows keyword search volume, CPC (Cost Per Click), and competition data directly in your browser. It is a useful tool for keyword research and finding related keywords.

Keywords Everywhere free chrome extension supports much more than Google searches. This chrome addon sum up all the in-depth data and boost SEO.

5. Grammarly

Grammarly chrome extension
While not directly an SEO tool, Grammarly is invaluable for creating high-quality content. It checks grammar, spelling, on-page optimization and readability, ensuring your content is error-free and engaging. It fall in the fifth position in our list.

Grammarly for Chrome is a free, safe, and verified chrome browser extension that helps and improve grammar, on-page optimization, clarity, check the spelling, and punctuation, etc.

6. Page Analytics (by Google)

Page analytics chrome extensionsis
When you install this Page Analytics extension for Chrome browser, you can load a page that you are tracking with Analytics and see all the important information.

Page Analytics by Google provide metrics, page views, unique page views, Average time on page, Bounce rates, in-depth and comprehensive analyses of webpage, real time active user, etc. It is our sixth best chrome SEO extension.

7. SimilarWeb

SimilarWeb chrome extension
It is seventh in our top 10 best google chrome extensions for seo list. This SimilarWeb SEO extension for chrome is useful for evaluating link opportunities and in-depth analyzing your competitors.

SimilarWeb offers insights into a website's traffic, top referring sites, audience interests, traffic sources, and other useful information. Similar Web free seo extension helps you understand your competitors and identify potential link-building opportunities.

8. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo chrome extension
BuzzSumo is our eighth position and most popular google seo chrome extension. It is also the most popular content marketing tool that allows you to find the most popular/shared content online for a given topic.

BuzzSumo helps you discover popular content in your niche by analyzing social media engagement and backlinks. It allows you to find influential authors and identify trending topics for your content strategy.

9. SEO Minion

SEO Minion chrome extension

SEO Minion chrome extension is a multi-functional SEO tool. It is in the ninth position in our 10 best seo extensions for chrome list(detailed seo extension chrome).

SEO Minion chrome extension offers various SEO tools in one extension, including on-page SEO analysis, SERP preview, broken link checker, and structured data testing. It is a comprehensive tool for optimizing your website.

10. Mangools

Mangools is one of the best free SEO extension for chrome with help you to find all information about a webpage. This is our tenth best browser SEO chrome extension.

Mangools seo extension shows overall SEO metrics, backlinks, page speed, on-page SEO, Domain authority, Alexa Rank, referrals, broken links and more.

In summary, the top 10 Google Chrome extensions for SEO listed here provide an excellent starting point for anyone looking to enhance their SEO efforts. By taking advantage of these powerful tools, the optimization of websites becomes more efficient, data-driven and result-oriented. Remember, SEO is a journey, and with the right tools at your disposal, you can navigate the ever-changing search landscape and achieve long-term success.

Which Chrome extension is best for SEO?

There are several Chrome extensions that can be helpful for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and the best one for you depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are a few popular Chrome extensions that many SEO professionals find useful:

The "best" extension for SEO ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. It can be helpful to try out different extensions and see which one aligns with your workflow and provides the most valuable insights for your SEO efforts.

These extensions can assist you in various aspects of SEO, including keyword research, competitive analysis, on-page optimization, and link analysis. Consider your specific needs and try out different extensions to determine which one suits you best.


The following article provides a list of top 10 Google Chrome extensions for SEO. However, it is important to note that the inclusion of these extensions does not guarantee specific results or endorse their effectiveness in all scenarios. The selection of these extensions is based on consensus and popularity within the SEO community, but individual experiences may vary.

The article may contain links to third-party websites or resources for the convenience of the reader. However, we do not endorse, control, or take responsibility for the content, accuracy, or availability of these external resources. The reader should exercise caution and discretion when accessing or relying upon any information or services provided by third parties. The author, the website and its affiliates will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising from the use of these extensions or reliance on the information provided.


The world of search engine optimization (SEO) is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is crucial for online success. Google Chrome, with its vast library of extensions, offers a powerful arsenal for SEO professionals and website owners alike.

In this article, we have explored the top 10 best Google Chrome extensions for SEO, each providing unique functionalities and benefits. From keyword research to on-page optimization, competitor analysis, and performance tracking, these extensions provide valuable insights and tools to enhance your SEO efforts.

From keyword research and competitor analysis to on-page optimization and backlink monitoring, these extensions cover various aspects of SEO. They provide powerful tools for auditing websites, tracking rankings, and analyzing data, allowing users to make informed decisions and optimize their online presence.

Hope this article will help you a lot. If you have any query regarding this article Top 10 Best Google Chrome Extensions for SEO then don't hesitate, comment below or contact us.

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